[Sussex] Geekcode

Gareth ABLETT garethablett at phpw.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Mar 24 23:38:00 UTC 2003

> Gareth wrote:
> -------------
> > Gareth Ablett
> > PureHand Services
> Gareth, this and a couple of other posts lead me to believe that you have
> secured employment - is this the case?

funny you should say that, the purehand was just ment to be 
me doing some contract work websites and stuff.

But I got a job today so now I am employeed as of monday :).
There a bad point though its using asp.NET and the such but 
still its work that I can get paid for.

Gareth Ablett
ITP Services Ltd

Version: 3.12
GU d++ s+: a-- C+++ UL+++ P-- L++ E W+++ N++ o-- K- w+++ 
O- M-- V- PS PE++ Y+ PGP- t+ 5++ X+ R- tv b++ DI+ D+++ 
G e+ h! r y+ 

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