[Sussex] Palm

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Mar 25 09:00:01 UTC 2003

Robin wrote:
> Just thought I would mention that Palm have just announced massive
> losses for the last quarter I think it was (think the number 
> was around
> £117m but again dont quote me) so may be even more of a delay for the
> new versions

Hmm ,I heard that to.  Much of the reason Palm bought Be was to acquire
their considerable expertease in multimedia support.  Of course no-one knows
what Palm OS NextGen will contain but the smart money is that it will be a
much closer match to WinCE and LINUX based PDA's than current Palm models.. 
Interestingly as a resuly of this losses it looks like Palm may get out of
the hardware industry and just sell OS's to licensees.

Convergance with phones is the way the industry seems to be heading - as
Symbian is the main focus there (and Linux now making ground) will there be
any room for Palm OS?  I don't think so, there sure as hell isn't room for
Microsoft - the manufacturers don't buy the "people will always buy a
Microsoft product in preference if one exists" line and they're not letting
them in.  These guys have to face it, the PDA market is miniscule compared
to the cell-phone market and to those consumers the value of the names
Nokia, Motorola and Sony-Ericsson are far more important than what OS it

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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