[Sussex] Hello!

Adam Smith adamjsmith at clara.co.uk
Tue Mar 25 13:40:00 UTC 2003

On 25 Mar 2003 12:54:20 +0000
Ciaran Hamilton <sussexlug at theblob.org> wrote:

> I'm Ciaran Hamilton. I'm a 20 year old male who lives in East Grinstead.
> I currently run Mandrake Linux 9.0 as my main OS and have been doing so
> for just over a month now. 

Welcome to the list!

Now normally at this point I'd preach the benefits of using a "harder" distro such as Gentoo or even LFS to actually "learn" Linux rather than getting frustrated trying to fix problems with Mandrake or other out of the box distros as well as removing all possibility of using Windows (i.e. burn the disks, nuke the partitions etc) but sadly I'm rather busy at the moment so perhaps someone would be so kind as to do it for me?  Thanks ;).

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