[Sussex] Smoothwall

Mark Olliver mpo at thermeoneurope.com
Fri Mar 28 10:37:07 UTC 2003


I thought I ask some opions on smoothwall, I am looking at using it to
replace are firewalls but so far i have found several holes. Does any
one have any ideas?

General smoothie setup allows for one red, orange and one green network.

My networks are slightly larger and have, one red, one orange and
multiple green networks, of which only certain things are allowed to
talk across. ie. mail is allowed across all networks but printing and
http should be blocked.

Under smoothie I can see no method for setting up this kind of

Also, I like to run an internal DNS server chrooted on the firewall.

Any Ideas?

Another thing that would be useful would be the ability to have multiple
smoothie's so if one breaks or falls down the redundant one takes over
using standard heartbeat systems. has anyone tried this?



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