[Sussex] Smoothwall

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Fri Mar 28 11:22:01 UTC 2003

Jon wrote:
> SmoothWall has a DNS proxy built in, not a fully fledged DNS 
> server. If
> you ask any of the SmoothWall team they'll tell you that you shouldn't
> be running any other services on the firewall itself and it 
> should be on
> a seperate box. IMO, a DNS server (providing it's not running 
> THAT many
> domains) is ok to be run on a firewall.

Of course any extra service is an extra vunerability, and you also suffer
from "all your eggs in one basket", you might loose your DNS and firewall at
the same time - in practice that may not be a problem (you might argue that
one without the other is as good as them both being down).  So effectively
you double your chance of security problems and could have twice as much to
redo in the event of a malicious attack.

As ever, it's a tradeoff and I am _not_ the best qualified person on the
list to advise you on the balance.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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