[Sussex] Re: [SWRU] Microsoft is From Mars, Open Source is from Venus.

Ciaran Hamilton sussexlug at theblob.org
Mon Mar 31 13:29:00 UTC 2003


> Ciaran , whose name should come with one of those useful pheonetic
> prounciation guides...

Heh. I wondered how long it would be until someone asked that. It's
pronounced "Keer-an". I guess that it's probably the #1 question I get
asked about me on the Net. :)

> Anyway Ciaran , really developed a posting habit with more questions
> about Ipaqs and Linux. A subject which is guaranteed to have Mr Dobson
> stir from the Cthuloid Depths of his day job

I think you'll find that was Steve, not me. :) The only other thing I've
posted so far are my reviews about Smoothwall and IPcop.

That's not to say I won't be posting anything else, of course. :) I
*would* like to know if there are any ideas on the meeting though... as
I said before, I can't go to it as it is right now. I saw something
about perhaps having a second meeting - how are people for that?

 - Ciaran.

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