[Sussex] html and stuff

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Thu May 8 10:32:02 UTC 2003

>that's all I can say for the advice chaps.

WOW?  Whats thats *checks dictionary of protocols and standars*, damn can't
find it.

>As it happens, even after Geoff and Gareths first replies, I was so =
>impatient to see some "tangible results" I continued meddling with "the =
>F word", and now I understand why you all seem to be saying the same =

Trust us, we're geeks.

>I've got as far as looking at my results in both IE and Opera and it's =
>changed my impatience to incentive. I keep "nipping" in and out of the =
>HTML view, and apart from having to learn some of the various tags and =
>formatting, using "the F words" normal view is a little too much like =
>using a word processor.

Well it's designed for people who want to make a homepage about their
collection of SClub7 posters and how nobody understands them, except, maybe
their best friend, Jade, who's really cool cause she's got, like, a pierced
belly button and _everything_. 

>I'm just off to look at amazon, because your recommendation for the =
>O'reilly book has reminded me to see if they have done an updated "linux =
>in a nutshell" which I have been meaning get a copy of.

Smart move.

>Though I'm also now trying to work out if there's a hidden agenda for =
>you all to try and turn me into a geek!. 

YOu say that like it's a bad thing...

>Well I shall resist, because =
>truck driving is more fun. 

I think that is a matter of opinion.

>Have you ever tried to run over a squirrel =
>with a computer? trucks do a better job, and the squirrel's make such =
>pretty patterns in the road!   lol    lol

I dunno.. and S/390 would make quite a mess of a squirrel.

>again, many thanks for the advice (I can't decide whether I can be =
>bothered to publish my site or wait until I have re-written it =

I look forward to seeing it.

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