[Sussex] some webstats

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Fri May 30 15:36:01 UTC 2003

> If you discount Bots and realise it _is_ a linux enthusiasts site and
> probably hit by us more than anyone else,
> it is a very _harsh_ lesson :/

Not really.. it's no surprise that the majority of desktops out there are Windows machines.  I would suggest that the number of Linux hits is abnormally large and that this is an indication of the liunx focus of the site.

Hand up here anyone who uses a Linux machine on their work desktop *geoff puts his hand up*

I doubt many people do right now.  What percentage of those people run Linux as their main OS at home?  Probably 60%+ on this list, maybe 2 or 3% elsewhere in reality.  This is no surprise...   ...but it _is_ growing, and will continue to do so.   5 years ago all the same questions where being asked about Linux on servers.. a lot of people concluded that it would never be good enough for business and that NT would eventually take over the world.  Now here we are in 2003 - Windows 2003 is a marvel of usability, GUI's and features, and no bugger wants it.. Microsoft have had to move more and more toward the way we do things and now they're even talking about having a server product in which you don't even have to have a GUI installed because they _cannot_ compete with Linux without doing that.  There is a _lot_ of force behind what Linux represents.. there is a _long_ way to go, and I don't envisage it ever being as dominant as Windows _has_ been, but you shouldn't right it off because it isn't already there.  Once upon a time there was a chap named Hollerith, and everybody laughed at his census machine...

gteale at cmedltd.com

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