[Sussex] The Geek Test

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Thu Nov 6 21:51:18 UTC 2003

>> In that sprit of a bit of fun checkout
>> http://www.innergeek.us/geek.html Be honest and we can all see where
>> we rank :-)  I suffered as I don't game that much, and I have never
>> rollplaied at all.
> I know:
> the names of 3 temperature scales  (there are four! Celsius, Fareinheit,
> Kelvin and Rankine)

Actually there are 5! Courtesy of dictionary.com:

Kelvin: (also called Absolute) 0 = -273.16C
Rankine: 0 = -491.69F
Reaumur: water freezes at 0, boils at 80.
Celsius: (centigrade/international) water freezes at 0, boils at 100.
Fahrenheit: water freezes at 32 and boils at 212


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