[Sussex] Worth a read
Tony Austin
tony at gigaday.com
Mon Nov 10 11:02:25 UTC 2003
>> some sort of new-fangle thingummybob
> Quite the opposite :-) It's on a 1980 Morgan... which was basically
> designed
> in 1968...
> I'm not going to tell what it is until a few more SLUGgers have either
> said
> they know, or they don't... My contention was that 80% of SLUGgers
> wouldn't
> know what one was... Nik believes that the majority will.
OK, it took me about 45 seconds to find out on Google and it is not
exactly a mainstream component (or perhaps name for a component); it's a
bit like asking at IT person what one of those four-digit hardware codes
that IBM (used to) use - you know, like 3294 and we're all supposed to
know that it's a DASD or whatever it is.
> M.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tony Austin" <tony at gigaday.com>
> To: "LUG email list for the Sussex Counties" <sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk>
> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 9:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [Sussex] Worth a read
>> > To say that "we should understand coding" is like saying "we should
>> > understand car mechanics". I know how to drive, and I am proud of my
>> > recent
>> > acheivement of changing 8 spark plugs and the bush on the otter switch
> on
>> > my
>> > car... however, I am willing to bet that 80% of SLUG members have no
> idea
>> > what an otter switch is, let alone where the bush fits it...
>> Well, I guess I qualify to be the parent's generation of some of the LUG
>> group members, I'm 58. And, I have stripped down several car and
>> motorcycle engines to the bare components. But I haven't a clue what an
>> otter switch is - must be some sort of new-fangle thingummybob, I
>> suppose
>> - there's no mention of it in my Haynes Nisssan Primera manual.
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > Mark
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> Regards.
>> Tony Austin
>> Gigaday Computing Limited
>> http://www.gigaday.com
>> tony at gigaday.com
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Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com
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