[Sussex] Newbie Alert

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Nov 20 09:41:47 UTC 2003

Welcome Al,

Theyre a friendly lot here, as you'll find out!

cya at the next lugmoot or so.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Al Bennett [mailto:al at plasticfish.co.uk]
>Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 19:20
>Subject: [Sussex] Newbie Alert
>Evening All
>Well, I can't believe I've stumbled on a LUG and that it's 
>more or less on
>my doorstep!
>Anyway a bit about me, I'm Al from Broadbridge Heath, I'm 20 
>and I'm sort of
>a programmer...  I say sort of because I have M.E. which gets 
>in the way of
>things like real work.  I'm currently doing web development 
>type work from
>home, mostly using Perl (and of course HTML) and a bit of PHP 
>(which I'm not
>keen on but that's a different story!).
>I guess it would be sensible to mention my Linux experience 
>here: I've been
>using Red Hat since about 5.0(ish) for Perl development using 
>Apache etc.
>I'm currently halfway through migrating the whole hog, only 1 
>PC in 3 (as
>you'll notice from the X-Mailer!) still trapped in proprietary 
>hell, getting
>there!  I'm currently using Redhat 8 (which is a waste of 
>time) and Mandrake
>9.1 which is better.
>Right, that'll do for now.

Angelo Servini
Claybrook Computing Ltd
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* angelo.servini at claybrook.co.uk

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