[Sussex] IT qualifications advice

Alan J Fitton alan at loonix.net
Sat Nov 29 10:36:20 UTC 2003

Thanks to Mark, Geoff and Nik for the replies. Certainly good advice
that's made me think about things.

Main thing learned is that A levels, degrees etc are not everything.
Experience is the most important thing in the long run, which gets built
up over a long period of time and that certainly as far as an IT career is
concerned, what one learns by messing around on a small home network
doesn't amount to experience by a long way. Hopefully I have some
reasonable thoughts and ideas on the matter.

I am keen to stay in educatation, be determined and do well. So right now,
my plans are to give a buisness studies, maths, english and chemistry a
level my best shot at 6th form to give me a good chance at whereever I
head. University is something I'd be interested in. Nik's idea of the open
university is an interesting one I hadn't given any thought to, and I'll
keep it in mind. The BBC article from Mark was informative, too.

Thanks again :-)

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