[Sussex] Mail forwarding

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Wed Oct 1 12:06:14 UTC 2003


Thanks Mark & Stu for your kind offers.

On 30 September 2003 at 17:21 Mark Harrison wrote:
> Jon,
> If you'll help me set up a mail server one evening, I'll 
> offer the use of that server and my link to do this for Steve...

On 01 October 2003 at 09:47 Stuart Nixon wrote:
> Steve, if you would like me to temporarily host your email 
> for you I have
> ADSL/postfix ready to accept any new domains. I can also offer
> webmail/pop(ssl)/smtp(ssl) plus all mail goes through spamassassin.

I'd like to accept both.  Here is what I plan:

  *) Configure both Stu & Mark's servers as the authortive DNS servers
     for my domain (one a slave to the other).

  *). Configure both as systems with MX records for mail delivery by

  *). Configure the mail servers to forward any mail coming into my
      domain (uthink.co.uk) to <local>-uthink at krasnegar.demon.co.uk
      via SMTP - that way I'll get it on my home computers via my 
      ISP which is kinda cool.

  *). Optional set up a simple, one page website.

This will only last until I have an ADSL connection of my own
(hopefully later this month) although I may need the slave DNS 
servers for a bit longer.

I you accept this setup then please let me know.

If you want help with the mail server set up I don't mind popping by
one evening.  I use the exim v4 MTA, which if you're running Debian
it is real easy to configure.


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