[Sussex] 2.6 help...

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Oct 23 09:45:05 UTC 2003

I thought I installed the kernel and was booting from it, but if I do a
uname -r it says I'm still using 2.4.20-gentoo-r6.

I've emerge the new init tools and downloaded the source, made xconfig
and compiled the kernel, copied it to /boot and edited my lilo.conf to
point to the right place and it still comes up with 2.4.20-gentoo-r6...
and yes, I have rebooted... :p

Any ideas anyone?  On the upside, this proves I have more to learn, and
learning is fun!

Matt (possibly turning into the "Barney" of linux...)

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace         |
|The Truth Will Set you Free       |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/ |
BOFH Excuse #303: fractal radiation jamming the backbone

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