[Sussex] 2.6 help...

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu Oct 23 12:47:52 UTC 2003

Hi Matt

On 23 October 2003 at 12:12 Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> ok, Lilo.conf reads as follows:
> -------------------
> # MBR to install LILO to:
> boot = /dev/hda
> map = /boot/.map
This looks odd to me (I don't have access to a Linux box
to check I think it should be something like /boot/map
or /boot/System.map I'll need to check tonight

> # Linux bootable partition config begins
> #
> image = /boot/bzImage
> 	root = /dev/hdb3
> 	#root = /devices/discs/disc0/part3
> 	label = Gentoo
> 	append = "hdc=scsi"
> 	read-only # read-only for checking
> #
> # Linux bootable partition config ends
> #
> image=/boot/bzImage-2.6
> 	root=/dev/hdb3
> 	label=2.6.0-test4
> 	read-only
> image=/boot/bzImage.lastBoot
> 	root=/dev/hdb3
> 	label=LastBootable
> 	read-only
> image=/boot/bzImage.orig
> 	root=/dev/hdb3
> 	label=Original
> 	read-only

Above are the different boot configrations for Linux.

The kernel images are /boot/bzImage-2.6, /boot/bzImage.lastBoot
and =/boot/bzImage.orig.

> -------------------
> Have just recompiled the kernel but still no difference, 
> could it be because /usr/src/linux 
> is pointing at the old sources? if this is the case, I'm 
> gonna feel pretty dumb... :P

Did you copy the kernel you built to the /boot partition?

With 2.6 you can now do a "make install" and the kernel is
installed in the /boot partions and symlinks created to a 
generic name and the last one.  A "cd /boot; ls -lt | head"
will show the most recently modified files.

Then make sure that you have a "image=..." that points to 
the sumbolic link and then re-running lilo will get the new
kernel ready to roll.


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