[Sussex] modem connection

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Wed Oct 29 17:41:32 UTC 2003

> vi (or vim) is good but has a fairly long learning curve (the rest of your
> life).  I think it's worth learning as it does a lot - including syntax
> hightlighting.

//Here beginith the flame war ;)

vi !  Bah humbug... surely you mean GNU/Emacs - especially if you are
working at the command line.  

vi is for tape monkeys! *evil grin*

If you're going to take the time to learn to use a proper programming
editor you may as well learn something with a wider range of

GNU/Emacs can:
   * deal with your multi-file editing needs with ease.
   * provide an inline command line (so no need for multiple terms)
   * be a web browser
   * be a mail client
   * be a news reader
   * be an IRC client
   * keep your calendar
   * manage your projects
   * take care of source control
   * auto-complete in most modes
   * make you a cup of tea (and that's not even a joke)

...and anything it doesn't do, you can write an extension in it's own
built in programming language Emacs LISP.  In short it's the only
program you need ever learn! :)

gteale at cmedltd.com 
Mr. Cole's Axiom: The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a
constant; the population is growing.

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