[Sussex] Moot

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Oct 30 13:37:53 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 12:56, Geoff Teale wrote:
> Cool... 
> Laptops are very welcome at the meet.  We need more Linux boxen at our
> LUG meets!
> BTW anyone know of a place to get a good cheap laptop?
Found mine in my loft... ;)

PII 400, 64Mb Ram and 2.5Gb HD runing Gentoo 1.4 Kernel 2.4.22 with only
one hitch and that's to do with the start up scripts, of which more

As gareth said, eBay's probably a good idea, or Morgan Computing
(http://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/) usually have a few cheap laptops...

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace         |
|The Truth Will Set you Free       |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/ |
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