[Sussex] after much consideration

Nicholas Butler nik at butlershouse.co.uk
Thu Apr 1 05:27:51 UTC 2004

Guys as you know I have long been a staunch advocate and evangelist of 
the open source community however in the last few weeks I have had cause 
to reconsider the position of this stance.

In discussions with my colleagues and customers I have now made the 
descision, with much soul searching, to join the new Microsoft Windows 
Evangelism team.

I did not come to the place easily, and yes the rather large salary, car 
allowance and pension scheme may have contributed towards it. It does 
help that after speaking to Bill and having him reassure me that many of 
the considered features of the operating system will be corrected in the 
longrun, sorry long horn.

id like to take "this day" and simply say thank you to all for such a 
wonderful forum for open communication , i wish you all the best for the 

my new addresss will be

nicholas.butler at microsoft.com

my digital signature is



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