[Sussex] Default window manager strangeness after upgrade

Thomas Adam thomas_adam16 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 12 23:37:45 UTC 2004

 --- John Crowhurst <fyremoon at fyremoon.net> wrote: 

> /etc/X11/xinit/
> So that xinitrc.icewm is linked to xinitrc

This is a bad thing to do, and demonstrates an aire of unfriendlyness of
the administrator towards his/her users. If people want to run icewm they
can do so from their own ~/.xsession file, thanks very much.

> You might find that some of the startup files have been customised to
> load
> their configuration from other files, like x-window-manager. Make sure
> its
> not present in your .xinitrc or .Xsession

Not so. All the ~/.xinitrc / ~/.xsession file does is load various things
on X11 startup. If either of those files is found that one if used, NOT
the system-wide one.

-- Thomas Adam

"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
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