[Sussex] Hi, and a quick question

Pete Wright pete at pheather.plus.com
Thu Apr 22 09:31:00 UTC 2004

Great, thanks for that. 

Hmmm a bit about me. I'll try to keep it semi-brief. For my computing
history, I started as a games programmer in the 80's writing games for
the Commodore 64 and Amiga (none published unfortunately - publisher
went under), and then moved into 'corporate' programming. I used to be a
contractor, but moved back into permanent work after my last contract
(Enron) went pear shaped. I'm now a Microsoft consultant with a company
in London, but looking to go back to self employment very soon. 

Geek stuff - I'm the author of about 300 technical articles, and 11
books, including Beginning GTK+/Gnome from the late Wrox Press. Aside
from that, I write for a few magazines online and in print (PC Pilot,
Salon.com, CNET.com) , and I'm starting work now on a couple of HOWTOs
with the Linux Documentation project covering Thinkpads and Digital

Distro - Debian - are there others ? ;) Been using Linux since about
1995ish (started with Slackware), and have gone through most of the
common distros, including Redhat, Suse, Gentoo, Slackware, and Knoppix.
Debian just feels so right though. 

So, that's that. 


On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 10:21, Steve Dobson wrote:
> Hi Pete
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 10:01:28AM +0100, Pete Wright wrote:
> > I just joined the list, so I thought it would probably be a good idea to
> > just drop a quick note to say Hi.
> Glad you did, always nice to see new people on the list.
> If you would like to tell us a bit more about yourself that would be 
> great too.  Basic stuff.  Linux distro, computing history, etc.  Geek
> stuff :-)
> > Also, the Sussex LUG website doesn't list the date and location of the
> > next meeting. As far as the site is concerned the next meeting is in
> > last February, unless I'm missing something obvious. So, when is the
> > next meeting and where? 
> > 
> > Looking forward to meeting some of you
> The LUGMoots are always on the last Thursday of the month.  So next 
> Thursday is the next one.  It is one the meeting page - you just have
> to look for it: "As is our custom the next LUG meeting will fall on the
> last Thursday of the month."
> Hope to see you next week
> Steve D
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