[Sussex] IM Server

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Wed Apr 28 16:22:33 UTC 2004

Mark Harrison wrote:

>That's all I could find when I looked (admittedly a year plus ago).
>In the end, I couldn't come up with a plausible business case to run our
>own. I dislike the Microsoft _Client_, but their server seems solid... just
>run a copy of Trillian against it.
Eeeek! You use MSN Messenger for corporate communications? I do hope 
that nothing sensitive is talked about...

It's only recently that MSN messenger was encrypted at the client side, 
there's also the problem that you've gotta tie all your personal details 
together in one place (great for industrial espionage)... and do we 
really think it's a good idea to have corporate communications leaving 
the network, and probably being logged by a company in a seperate country?

Just my 2p...


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