[Sussex] Dedicated box

Al Bennett al at plasticfish.co.uk
Fri Aug 27 11:38:47 UTC 2004


Nice to see y'all last night.  Interesting venue, shame about lack of
food...  Maybe we can do another WAP deal with the Chinese (takeaway, not
all 14 billion of them) in exchange for free food?

Anyway, I'm after a cheap root box.  Cheap being the thing here.  I'm fine
with it being hosted in the Land of Cheap Bandwidth over the pond.  Spec
isn't really critical as it'll be fairly low usage, I just need root (which
most people would argue is very dangerous for me to have).

I'm looking at 1&1 (USA) Root server I or II:

Anyone have any experience with them or other suggestions for CHEAP outfits?

Ta in advance!


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