[Sussex] more broadband questions?

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Dec 21 01:11:39 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 00:05 +0000, Steve Dobson wrote:
> However, at the bottom of *every* SLUG e-mail is the line:
>     http://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/sussex
> and the first link on that page is to 
>     http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/sussex/
> I think you just had one of those brain fade momements - D'oh :-)
> Happens to us all from time to time.  And there is always some 
> smart aleck (me) ready and waiting to point these out.  

Undoubtedly. And yes it probably was a brain fart brought on by the
excitement of actually being able to ask a proper question (a rare
occurence in my case) :-P

I couldn't use the links from the bottom of an posted message, I'd
previously been suffering from one of those "delete key related fits". 

Which is why I thought it may be pertinent to ask about the possibility
of adding a "mail archives" type link and the "join our discussion" one
is so well disguised that I couldn't see it in front of my nose!

Anyhow, it doesn't really matter as I've bookmarked the little sucka!

Happy Crimbo


John D.

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