[Sussex] Much hilarity involved

Nicholas Butler nik at reducedhackers.com
Tue Dec 21 14:52:11 UTC 2004

According to Dell, the price they quoted me is the price they get it 
from Microsoft. Which when you consider it, is actually very cheap for a 
<heavy sarcastic quotes>Complete win2k </heavy sarcastic  quotes> 
environment for a user to play with. Since I dont have to upgrade the 
whole site and can "transition" the client from old desktops to new 
through a server I can still save the client a lot of money on a desktop 
upgrade without replacing a single desktop. Overall the Client spends a 
little under 2k for a 10 desktop upgrade. It was actually cheaper than 
crossover to deliver. sigh. Off Course it helps that they like 
OpenOffice, Thunderbird and Firefox and that the remaining applications 
are browser based.

Geoffrey Teale wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 14:18 +0000, Nicholas Butler wrote:
>>sigh ... still at least I got a discount through GPL .
>I seem to remember Steve Ballmer saying GPL was a cancer... maybe meant
>a _different_ GPL ;-)

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