[Sussex] For those lurking and listening.
nik at reducedhackers.com
Mon Dec 27 23:11:12 UTC 2004
> Less catchy, but more representative of my point of view (and the
> function of LUG):
> "Use any variant you like, but use a GNU/Linux system"
Then more concisely ....
"Use a GNU/Linux system"
or as Nik would tell you
"Use Debian"
Did I mention Use Debian ?
For those just joining the group the "Use Debian" phrase is the "Running
Gag" for this forum. If you were reading the London Perlmongers im sure
it would be "Watch Buffy" or "Read Template Toolkit" or some such. But
here we just want you to "Use Debian". Since if we can use the phrase
"Use Debian" often enough in this forum this year then we win the "use
Debian" award for the most amount of gratutious "Use Debian" quotes in
2004 for Linux User groups in the "Use Debian" Distro Awards.
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