[Sussex] partitions and the like ??

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Dec 28 19:02:50 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-12-27 at 21:12 +0000, John Crowhurst wrote:

> So to reduce a partition by 30G, you would:
> ~# df /home
> ~# umount /home
> ~# resize_reiserfs -s -30G /dev/hda6
> ~# mount /dev/hda6
> ~# df /home
> You should then see the partition shrink by 30GB. Once you have shrunk the
> partition, you can delete it with fdisk and recreate it 30GB smaller (be
> careful not to make the partition smaller than the size you have reduced
> the filesystem by) and then make the /vfat partition.

Well, I managed to get as far as shrinking the partition, it now looks
like this

bash-2.05b# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5             20482184   5340172  15142012  27% /
/dev/hda6             42111064   1522312  40588752   4% /home
none                    387416         0    387416   0% /dev/shm


but I now I've hit a snag, as I've never used fdisk I'll have to go and
look up how I can actually make the /dev/hda7 partition and the
necessary (I think?) mount point(s) before I can modify the fstab and
format the new partition. I did have a quick look at what things look
like with Partition Magic, but obviously nothings actually changed as
far as that's concerned (yet!).

> Once you have done that, you will need to edit your fstab to include the
> /vfat partition, and you need to mkfs.msdos (or mkfs.vfat - its the same
> program really, explicitly declaring you want FAT32, or it will give you
> FAT16):
> ~# mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/hda7

Do you know of any easy to follow (idiot proof ?) links/docs on how to
drive fdisk so I can finish this task ? (just getting ready for work -
again :-( )

Thanks for the instruction John, thus far it's worked like magic.


John  D.

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