[Sussex] Bad bad bad.

Paul Morris pablo at wildfireprojects.com
Sun Feb 8 16:42:24 UTC 2004

On Sunday 08 February 2004 16:28, Angelo Servini wrote:
>   How do I recover from this?  I dont have a rescue disk.  Only the
>   original Gentoo install disks I bought.
>   If someone can talk me though the steps necessary to recover, I
>   would appreciate their help.


Try this

start up using the install disk 

then mount the / partition as /mnt/gentoo
on my machine this is
# mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/gentoo

if you need to change the kernel then mount the boot partition
on my machine
# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/gentoo/boot

then run chroot and update the environment variables

# chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
# env-update
# source /etc/profile

When you've finished making changes

# exit
# cd /
# umount /mnt/gentoo/boot
# umount /mnt/gentoo
# reboot


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