[Sussex] Removing an installation

Angelo Servini angelo at servini.co.uk
Wed Feb 11 20:58:38 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 11 February 2004 8:01 pm, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> Angelo,
> ... I know you don't like them but you're really going to have to start
> reading man pages. ;)
> So I humbly suggest:
> man emerge
> .. in which you will find the information that your are looking for.

Yup, ah jest knew yer'was gonna say that, dagnabit!


Ok, Yes Sir, Yes Sir!  I will.

On the whole, except for a touch of ze flu, everythings hunky, and I'm one 
happy bunny with my installation.  I will have to invest in more disk space 
though, as I have a habit of tinkering (as we all do) and don't want to lose 
all my hard work.  So at least I will have one install thats usable and I 
won't have to go into panic mode every two or more minutes!

Cheers.  Angelo

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