[Sussex] Re: Gentoo problems.

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Sun Feb 22 15:16:54 UTC 2004

On Sunday 22 February 2004 11:34, Thomas Adam wrote:
> /var/log/boot
> will hold the output from init. As for any errors to do with hardware and
> the like:
> dmesg | less
> -- Thomas Adam


On Sunday 22 February 2004 11:36, Alan F wrote:
> If you're using metalog as your syslog daemon, /var/log/everything/current
> is a good place to start :-)
> Alan

Thanks for the response. 

I tried both suggestions, but they didn't get me anywhere (mainly because I 
don't have much of a clue as to what I'm doing :( ), but they prompted me to 
check all the files/directories in /var/log - I noticed that I didn't have 
a /var/log/boot anyway, and as I have /dev/hda2 as my /boot, I tried to mount 
it, and it said that it wasn't mentioned in either my fstab or mtab.

On looking at my fstab, I find that one of the updates done by the etc-update 
had put it back to the defaults of /dev/root /dev/swap and /dev/boot and that 
seems to have stopped most of the cryptic boot dialogue messages.

I still can't find anywhere that the boot dialogue is kept one the system is 
up and running, and it's made me think, that I don't know what the "syslog 
daemon" is. It would be whatever gets installed (presumably) when installing 
from the liveCD (disc 1, because I never did manage to get any packages off 
the 2nd disc). 

How would I find out (the only place that showed up anything called metalog, 
was in the portage tree)?

Also, the only other thing that seems to be "cropping up" in the boot dialogue 
(apart from all the crap about not finding this and that - I've used the 
genkernel, because I haven't yet worked out how I'd use anything else), is 
that because I thought it better to actually read some of the install notes 
from the "guide", in my wisdom (minimal), I used XFS for the file system 
during the install and I'm getting some dialogue that relates to fsck not 
doing anything and not finding fsck.xfs - Is this important? and what would I 
need to check/change ?


John D.

p.s. The disc copy of Crossover Office arrived from the States last week if 
anyone is interested.

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