[Sussex] Moot proceedings

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Mon Feb 23 14:09:01 UTC 2004

On Monday 23 February 2004 11:56, Gareth Ablett wrote:
> All,
> Ok well this month's moot is close and if we are to proceed in a more
> formal fashion then it would be best to get some ideas from you lot to
> help.
> 1. Are there any topics/applications/systems/language/news that anyone
> would like to be discussed at the meeting?
> 2. Does anyone want to see a tutorial or demonstration (maybe not this
> month but to keep in mind) on a particular subject.
> 3. Any other comments worth mentioning now please do so.

1 and 2, Not having ever had the luxury of seeing "linux in action" I'm pretty 
much up to learn/hear about anything.

Obviously, with my minimal linux knowledge, a few of the basic things would be 
a bonus.


John D.

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