[Sussex] Linux Docs

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Mon Feb 23 15:43:06 UTC 2004


Just to reiterate - if you want prepackaged, simple documentation 
(the sort of thing businesses and low-tech users want) then you need
to look to the right places.  Both Debian and Gentoo have strong 
developer and user communities who put together large amounts of
distro specific docs and howtos but they tend not to document 
software that is generally available as this is felt to be the domain 
of the developers of the software itself.  

On most systems (including Gentoo) you should investigate the directory:


... which will contain tar-balled docs for most of the software 
installed on you machine. 

If you're looking for something at a simpler level then check these 


... of course a lot of this is Red Hat (and Fedora) specific, but if
this is what you want then this is probably where you should be looking
to go.

Geoff Teale
Cmed Technology <gteale at cmedltd.com>
Free Software Foundation <tealeg at members.fsf.org>

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