[Sussex] Tonight's moot - URGENT!

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Feb 26 12:54:15 UTC 2004

Ladies and Germs,

This is the list of people I have for tonights moot:

Jon Fautley
Nik Butler
Steve Dobson
Geoff Teale
Gareth Ablett
John D
Tony Austin
Dave Chapman
Trevor Marshall
Angelo Servini
Mark Harrison
Mary Harrison
Pippa Harrison

** If your name is not on this list, you aren't welcome, capiche? ;) **

Seriosuly though, if you're wanting to attend, or even thinking about 
attending, please please let me know ASAP. I'll stick a couple of 
'random' names on to the list so if there's anyone that wants to turn 
up, they can. Just CALL ME FIRST and get your 'name' :)

Again, my contact number is 07782 346993.

Hopefully, things will be a little better planned for next month :)


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