[Sussex] permission problem with apache2/php -solved

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Tue Jan 6 19:42:45 UTC 2004

I have reverted to my pre ext2-extensions-with-ACL kernel (remembering to
remove the reference to acl in /etc/fstab after the first reboot failed)
and the standard Unix group permissions now work.

I guess that installing ACL must stop the standard stuff, as you don't
really  need it any more.


> Further info;:-
>> I am trying to use PHP opendir() function to access a directory in the
>> filesystem but I get "Warning: opendir(/var/spool/mail/billy): failed to
>> open dir: Permission denied"
>> the directory in question is:-
>> #ls
>> drwxr-x---    8 billy    sm_billy     4096 Dec  3 12:19 billy
> If I change this to:-
> drwxr-x---    8 billy    apache     4096 Dec  3 12:19 billy
> it works, so maybe I am misunderstanding how to make user "apache" a
> member of group "sm_billy" as below
>> I have made user apache a member of group sm_billy in /etc/group:-
>> sm_billy::2001:apache
>> If I change the permissions to drwxr-xr-x, I can open the directory, but
>> I
>> want to make it work without opening the permissions up to everyone.
>> I am runing apache2 and ps aux shows it to be running as user apache.
>> Anyone any ideas?  This doesn't look like to should be difficult at all.
>> Regards.
>> Tony Austin
>> Gigaday Computing Limited
>> http://www.gigaday.com
>> tony at gigaday.com
>> "I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial profiling,
>> which is illiterate children."
>> George W. Bush
>> October 11, 2000
>> Comment made during presidential debate.
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> Regards.
> Tony Austin
> Gigaday Computing Limited
> http://www.gigaday.com
> tony at gigaday.com
> Vice President Gore will create "over 200,000 new or expanded federal
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> George W. Bush
> October 1, 2000
> The presidential candidate meant 200 new programs.
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Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

"It's kinda jungley."

George W. Bush
August 25, 2001
Referring to a trail he is clearing on his Crawford, TX ranch.

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