[Sussex] more Wi-Fi via MacDonalds

Phil Slade phil at philslade.uklinux.net
Sun Jan 11 22:01:04 UTC 2004

 BT and McDonalds put BT Openzone Wi-Fi hotspots on the menu
BT today announced a huge boost to its campaign to bring public Wi-Fi to
every community in the UK by installing BT Openzone access points in more
than 500 McDonald's restaurants in the next few months. The two giants have
teamed up to offer millions of diners who visit McDonald's restaurants the
ability to log on to the internet using wireless broadband, via their
Wi-Fi-enabled laptop or PDA, as they grab a bite to eat. BT believes that
the landmark deal will mean that thousands more people will be able to
easily take advantage of Wireless Broadband Week, which starts on January
26, when anyone with a suitable laptop or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
can try out wireless broadband without time limit - free of charge. The BT
Openzone access points will be installed in McDonald's flagship and drive
thru restaurants by the end of March, taking the total number of  BT
Openzone live sites to more than 2,000. When the full roll-out is completed
in March, the total will exceed  2,200. The majority of the McDonald's sites
will be in drive thru restaurants, which are popular with business
travellers. BT already has an extensive network of BT Openzone hotspots at
premium locations targeted at the business traveller, such as airports,
railway stations and hotels.
Country/Regional Focus: UK
Themes: ICT, broadband, wireless
Web: http://www.btplc.com/Mediacentre/Agencynewsreleases/2004/an0405.htm
07 January 2004
© BT: British Telecom

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