[Sussex] Broadband at last.

Andrew Guard agua at coinford.co.uk
Wed Jan 14 12:00:04 UTC 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Teale [mailto:gteale at cmedltd.com]
> Sent: 14 January 2004 11:47
> To: LUG email list for the Sussex Counties
> Subject: Re: [Sussex] Broadband at last.
> > How long does it take to download a full distro such as 
> debian?   I might
> > have a go at a second distro to try out.
> Even with broadband it's best to leave ISO downloads running 
> whilst you
> go out to work - often the download speed is controlled by the server,
> not your comms.

I can conform this to be correct using on of those slow Leased line the same
affects happen here.  If any thing it just going to get worst in time.  I
think it time that Linux should be disputed via p2p networking.  That way
every pro-Linux user can help each other out with Linux.

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