[Sussex] Re: Sussex Digest, Vol 18, Issue 1

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Mon Jan 19 16:40:04 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 16:21, Sam (Shuriken1) wrote:
> So I left it on
> 1250Mhz, reinstalled linux to undo all the problems I probably inflicted on
> it and it has run for an afternoon only locking up twice. So it seems fine.

Twice in an afternoon?  That's not fine.  Many Linux users only reboot
for kernel upgrades! 

>     Also, the first time I got into KDE after the changes, after a similar
> amount of time as one of my freezes I got a warning: CPU overload, or
> something like that, so that must have been it. The freezes must be linux'
> equivalent of a BSoD.


The Linux equivalent of the BSoD is actually a kernel panic, but the
likelihood of you ever seeing one on a non-development kernel is pretty
small, and in 2.6 series kernels the chance of it happening is now even
slighter (2.6 is more robust to dodgy modules).  Unfortunately XFree86
is less stable than the kernel code, but generally speaking it doesn't

>     Thanks for your help once again, I'm sure I'll be needing it soon lol.

We'll be right here waiting.. ;)
gteale at cmedltd.com 

In fiction the recourse of the powerless is murder; in life the recourse
of the powerless is petty theft.

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