[Sussex] I hate gnome :P

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Wed Jan 21 15:46:30 UTC 2004


> I figured I'd try a couple of customisations with the gnome, but was
> disappointed that there's nowhere near as many additional backgrounds,
> icon
> set's etc for gnome as there is for kde. Also, for the life of me, I
> couldn't
> find out how I make it, so the gnome opens apps, using desktop icon's with
> "a
> single click" facility. Sure, if the icon is a taskbar one, then one click
> and off you go, but the rest of the desktop icons seem to need a double
> click.

I'm a man of simple needs so I thought I would leave figuring all this
stuff out to a younger generation - I have therefore opted for IceWM,
which doesn't have _any_ icons on my desktop thereby solving that problem.
 I used to like having everything on my desktop with M$ Windows because of
the bloated menus, now I just build my own custom menu instead - adapt and

> Then there's the cd burn that I tried to do. Previously, I've used K3b,
> which
> has seemed to be a straight forward, easily managed app to use, with
> excellent result's. I should say that I can only really compare it to
> "burning nero", that came with the pc when I bought it.
> The gnome install seems to have Gcombust, Nautilus CD burner and another
> one
> that I can't recall the name of.  If I try them I either get dialogue
> boxes
> telling me what I haven't done i.e. copied a file from a to b, or maybe
> done
> something with setup. But I haven't managed to find anything that is even
> vaguely like instructions for use. I even tried installing X-CD-Roast, to
> have a look at that, but end up with yet another dialogue box that just
> says
> a load of stuff that I haven't got a clue about.

Like I said, I'm a man of simple needs ... I tried all the aforementioned
too and didn't get so far so I thought I would read the man pages for
mkisofs and cdrecord as everyone said these do all the work no matter what
the GUI.  Pretty daunting man pages they are too!  But after several
nights of falling asleep over them in bed, I discoverd that all I seem to
need to know is:-

#mkisofs -o cdname.iso -R -J sourcedir
#cdrecord -scanbus
#cdrecord -v dev=0,1,0 cdname.iso

so I have written these on the top of the man pages that I printed out. 
Maybe some day I will need all the other stuff.

> Oh well, I suppose that I'd better get off this soap box so I can break it
> up
> for kindeling to light the fire.
> regards
> John D.


Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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