[Sussex] [OT] Solaris / Sun OS question

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Thu Jan 22 09:49:22 UTC 2004

OK, I am well aware that this is the wrong list, but there's at least a
little Solaris clue here..

I have a Sun Ultra 5 dual booting Gentoo Linux and Solaris 9. 
Everything under Gentoo is hunky-dory but I have a problem with name
resolution under Solaris.

The machine is setup to use DHCP.  It gets an IP correctly but it
doesn't seem to get any DNS settings from the DHCP server.  My linux
boxen all acquire:

search lan

.. but the Solaris box doesn't, and there doesn't seem to be an option
for this in /etc/defaults/dhcpconf (or whatever that file is called ;-)

Noting this I have manually added an /etc/resolv.conf (this file didn't
exist before).  This makes nslookup work correctly, but ping and
netscape are still both unable to resolve hostnames.


gteale at cmedltd.com 

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