[Sussex] Anti-Spam software

Mark Harrison Mark at ascentium.co.uk
Fri Jan 30 10:30:57 UTC 2004


Broadly there are three classes of solution.

I use SpamAssassin for my own mail, but clients use either Mailsweeper or
Interscan (or both if they're more paranoid)... or go for the Messagelabs
service. Broadly it depends on the size of their IT department - if they're
large enough to have a network manager, then they go for in-house managed
solutions. If their IT department is a single person, they tend to go for
the outsourced service.

1: Free software. SpamAssassin dominates the sector, and seems to work well.

Advantages: Price, availability of third-party support.
Disadvantages: Linux-only???

2: Commercial software.

The following are all worth getting prices for:

- Interscan IMSS
- Mailsweeper
- Mimesweeper

Advantages: Good support. Integrated anti-virus with anti-spam. Very good
reporting / GUI for those "senior management powerpoints"
Disadvantages: Price

3: Commercial services.

Messagelabs is head and shoulders above everyone else here. You modify your
MX records so mail goes to them, where it's virus-scanned, spam-scanned, and
then the clean stuff is sent onto you.

Advantages: Easy setup (change of MX Records and signing a contract).
Zero-administration. Integrated virus/spam service.
Disdavantages: Cost, but for Coinford may be cheaper than any of the
Commercial software.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Guard" <agua at coinford.co.uk>
To: <sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:23 PM
Subject: [Sussex] Anti-Spam software

What is your view's on Anti-Spam software on the market?

Andrew Guard

IT Support

  Direct:(01342) 840840
Office:(01342) 840800
Fax:(01342) 840888
Email:agua at coinford.co.uk

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137 Redehall Road

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