[Sussex] [OT] Warships of the future...

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Jun 10 19:30:20 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 17:50, Nicholas Butler wrote:
<snip>my Dad was Navy, stationed at 
RNAS Yeovilton</snip>

Ah, now that definitely smack's of FAA (Fleet Air Arm), or as we
"proper" naval types called them, "Passengers"![1] (last on, first off).

But it does go some way to explain Nick's, erm, enthusiasm when it comes
to "matter's IT" :p

Any further enthusiasm on Nick's part could only have suggested a
parental career path similar to my partner's cousin. Insofaras the FAA
wasn't quite "hoorah" for him, so he transferred to the Royal Marines.


John D.

[1] FAA "bod's" also know by the rest of the fleet (incl submarine
service) as W.A.F.U's (wet and f****n useless), but that's another
story. Further confirmation can be sort from "Jackspeak", The Pusser's
Rum guide to Royal Navy Slanguage by Rick Jolly Surg, Capt RN Retd.

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