[Sussex] Scary PC fry-up

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Mon Jun 28 15:58:20 UTC 2004


I assume you are following this route in order to ensure future 
employability (is that even a word?)

 From what I've seen of both C# and VB.Net they are perfectly nice 
languages with reasonable dev environments.  They occupy the same 
logical space as Java and have a very similar feel to that language.  
They also suffer from the "black box" syndrome that all Microsoft dev 
platforms suffer from.

If you're going to go forward tied to the 50,000 lb gorilla and all that 
it entails, then they are fine choices and there is bound to be a 
reasonable level of employment around with these skills for the next 
five or six years.  Just remember that the 50,000lb gorilla is a randy 
sod and when he tells you to take it like a man he's usually refering to 

As for me.. I looked at it a few times since the first Visual Studio.NET 
betas came out (we had these to play with at Thomson).  Personally I 
think you can be a lot more productive with Python, Ruby or even Perl 
(ptoohey, I spit on it) - but those tools don't have the marketing 
budget .NET does and so a certain class of business might go that way.

 To my knowledge most businesses that aren't in the business of selling 
software in a competitive market (i.e. those that don't have to change 
just for the sake of saying they've changed) aren't doing either  - 
they're holding off from any change for as long as possible, which makes 
sense in mjost cases.


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