[Sussex] Compaq Desktop for Sale

Steve Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 30 11:07:52 UTC 2004


I have picked up a Compaq PII-350 box with 256Mb RAM, 10Gb and 20Gb disks, 
Matrox G200 VGA, 3-Com 100BaseTx NIC, Soundblaster 16 sound card. So far I 
have installed Gentoo to Stage 3 and installed various system tools - yes, it 
took an age, but at least the box is very quiet!

I have too many PCs as it is, and I really can't use this one. If anyone is 
interested in it please can you let me know. I'll even install your choice of 
software if you want - god bless broadband - but it may take a while if you 
want KDE, Gnome, XOrg and OpenOffice and the rest.

Offers of a fairly trivial nature might be entertained.

Steve Williams.

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