Why is gnome better? RE: [Sussex] Promoting SLUG

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Wed Jun 30 13:18:05 UTC 2004

Thomas Adam wrote:

>You mean by decreasing the *huge* memory consumption that GNOME takes
>up? :) You could say this about any application when Sarge releases. If
>we kept waiting and waiting nothing would ever get released. 
I don't think you're going to see a lot of progress in that direction 
I'm afriad.  To my knowledge GNOME is not as bad as KDE in this 
respect.  People often complain about the amount of memory things use - 
the long and short of it, the more functionality you expect the more CPU 
time, disk space and memory you're going to have to sacrifice.

Put simply - if you're a power user looking for raw speed then you 
shouldn't be running an XServer in the first place.  If you want a soft, 
nurturing environment that rivals Mac OS X and Windows XP then you need 
to use similar amounts of resource.

The whole offloading of rendering of OpenGL (if, and only if you have 
the hardware) will help take some load of the main system resources, but 
a lot of that load is tied up in things quite seperate from actual 

If you're really worried about memory use I suggest hacking the source 
of all your GTK apps and adding the following line liberally:


.. which is a real GLib command -- it'll free up a lot of memory.. it 
may not leave you're apps in a nice state though ;-)

>Just be greatful for backports.

My tollerance for Debian packages today is at an all time low.  I've 
seen dpkg-buildpackage tell me it's ignoring my perfectly valid changes 
one to many times today.... grrrrr....


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