[Sussex] "pre-depend" error upgrading to Woody

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed Mar 3 00:52:43 UTC 2004


On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 12:31:16AM -0000, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> I'm with UKLinux on a modem connection. Money isn't the issue for me, at 
> present it's simply being sure that I can see something through (especially 
> something like an upgrade). A nearly 4 month old baby daughter ensures that 
> computer time is not always guaranteed (I wouldn't change that for a 
> moment).
> I plan to get broadband (UKLinux seem well respected) as soon as is 
> practical.

If you add your BT surf package together with your UKLinux package then
you may find that the Broadband is cheaper.

I know of someone who got the Modem-Broadband option with UKLinux and
it works fine - when his machine that it is plugged into works.

> I plan to build a new machine later in the year. Even with a 56K 
> connection, net updates after the big upgrade are no problem.

No problem no, but they do take longer.  

> I am a fan of the command line at heart - I was happy with DOS, years ago, 

DOS never had the power at the end that Unix had at the beginning in terms
of what you could do on the command line.  Windows still hasn't got anything
like the power that you have in the bash shell.

> but Windows made me soft. However, Windows crashed once too often & I got 
> fed up with the M$ way. Today, I am simply a user with an interest in 
> computing in general, who fell in love with the Linux/Open Source ideal & 
> finally decided to make a leap & support that ideal by using the software. 
> I have well & truly chucked myself in the deep-end & I certainly need the 
> help of people who've already been there. I enjoy moving a little farther 
> up the learning curve once in a while.

Well I'll do what I can to help, but there are others on this list that
may be better at remembering the learning curve - mine is just too far
back in time :-) I first used Unix (BSD 4.2 on a VAX 11/750) in the mid
'80s.  Therefore when I started playing with Linux I already new how
most of it worked - I just needed the detail.


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