[Sussex] Roadpilot

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Fri Mar 5 17:13:23 UTC 2004

Hi fellas

I was just called by one of the developers at Morpheus - they're the people
who manufacture road-camera detection systems like the Geodesy and more
recently the Roadpilot.  These detection systems are GPS based and use a
combination of Satellites and an onboard database which can be downloaded on
your PC.  Anyhow, he informed me that they are now seriously investigating
the porting of their front-end to Linux (which is certain).  They are also
considering submitting it to the GPL, after telling him that although the
numbers of Linuxers are fewer than those using M$ - the potential marketing
PR gain would be considerable.  Their main developer is also one of us!  So
we have an insider, which will help.

The point of this mail is that it is worth spreading the word to
manufacturers of hardware / drivers of the PR potential of Linux, as that
may be a greater incentive to them (as opposed to the obvious dis-incentive
of "The greatest number of users are M$").

Angelo Servini
Claybrook Computing Ltd
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West Sussex.  RH10 1UH
* 01293 604955
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* angelo.servini at claybrook.co.uk

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