[sub] [Sussex] re:- Phil Turners last post

Nicholas Butler nik at butlershouse.co.uk
Sun Mar 7 10:58:50 UTC 2004

wow, well that caused some controversy... so lets recap what Nik 
actually Typed.

1. Attaching and sending files with an emails is creating badness on the 
2. Attaching a File and storing at with the originating MTA would be better.
3. One copy of the file which can be put up and pulled down allows 
sysadmins to target potential viruses being sent out and remove the link 
immediately they cant delete files in another users inbox.
4. Dont stop users attaching files to an email  , but dont let them send 
out 100 copies of a file since its a big waste of bandwidth when you 
consider that the recipient will effectively have to download that file 
either as a Attachment or a link. Allow a user to send 100 links, but 
let the MTA manage setting up the link,  and let the server manage the 
attachment and the access to that attachment.
5. Fix the MTA to let it know where attachments are and how to manage them.

6. Plain text emails never hurt anyone except by flames .

now i will stand back and throw in the match ....

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