[Sussex] Kernel-2.6.2

Thomas Adam thomas_adam16 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 00:58:49 UTC 2004

 --- David Chapman <dokterdave at ntlworld.com> wrote: 

> I been trying to compile a 2.6 kernel and Im stuck with an error making
> initrd
> This is the line according to Kernel Rebuild Guide
> on http://www.digitalhermit.com
> $ mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.2.img 2.6.2
> this is the error
> hydrogen:/home/dave/linux-2.6.2 # mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.2.img 2.6.2
> /boot/initrd-2.6.2.img/var/tmp is not a directory
> hydrogen:/home/dave/linux-2.6.2 #

I have no idea why that crappy tutorial should suggest a ramdisk -- it is
NOT needed, if you compile your kernel correctly to begin with. What is it
that it thinks is going in the ramdisk? You'll need to create it initially
with mkcramfs...

I have no ideas as to your errors, Dave.

-- Thomas Adam

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