[Sussex] kernel 2.6

Thomas Adam thomas_adam16 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 19 12:37:25 UTC 2004

 --- Steve Dobson <steve at dobson.org> wrote: 
> Morning Thomas

Good afternoon.

> Yes, I know.  But IIRC he just gave us the data in /etc/fstab.  I'm
> running
> devfs[d] and my fstab looks the same as I still use the old
> /dev/hd[abcd][1-8]
> symlinks in my fstab.  That's a hang over since my 2.2/2.4 swap-over
> days.  I
> suppose I should change over, but... :-)

Consistency will eventually dictate you will :)

> > Udev has been in existance for some time now. Of course, I am no fan
> of
> > udev or its kindred, and as such am sticking with a static /dev tree.
> > What's that? Major/minor numbers? heh, I mknod up and down...
> That is fine for "small" systems, but for those really, really, really
> big
> systems with very large numbers of SCSI devices that are now coming on
> line.
> It is not unknown for 4K SCSI disks to be connected.  With only an
> eight-bit
> minor number you have to start poaching "spare" major numbers.

Oh sure, but those are isolated cases.
> Now with a lot of devices coming on line (mostly USB) we are now in a
> position where there are more types of device than there are major
> numbers.
> To see the other problems read:
> http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev_vs_devfs

Good link that.

> which is a bad thing.  The udev/hotplug allows both for a very large
> number
> of devices as well as a very large number of device instances as major,
> as
> well as minor, numbers can be assigned on the fly.

> I also like the idea the /dev only contains files for devices that
> really
> are connected to a system.  Not all possible devices that could be
> connected.

It depends what you're used to, I suppose. I still disagee shifting the
control to userspace, but there you go...

> That's my 2p worth for what it is worth [about half the face value :-)]

So a penny, then.

-- Thomas Adam

"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
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