[Sussex] kernel 2.6

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Mar 19 13:43:26 UTC 2004


On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 01:11:35PM +0000, David Chapman wrote:
> The system.map for the 2.6 kernel is very different from a 2.4 system.map.
> Will a 2.6 system.map work with a 2.4 kernel or is there a way of using the 2 
> kernels with there own system.map

In a word not.  The System map is there for each kernel build.  So my 2.4.24
system map will not work with your 2.4.24 unless we have selected the
same options.

When you do a "make install" under 2.6 the kernel image and the system map
for it is copied into /boot.  Why would you want to use a 2.4 system map?

> Can I disable 
> 	file access monitoring deamon

That depends.  Do you have anything that needs FAM notification of a file

Steve D

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