[Sussex] "I'd rather break the law than use open source..."

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Sun Mar 21 16:22:17 UTC 2004


On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 16:04, Thomas Adam wrote:
>  --- Matthew Macdonald-Wallace <matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk> wrote: 
> > Is this common? I realised that MS campaign of FUD was well-run, but I
> > didn't realise it was that effective!
> Don't be naieve! Of course it is common. I, like yourself though do not
> need to do it, but I know that everyone else that uses windows does.

Personally, I'd put myself far from naive, I am well aware that this
practice exists, I was just interested to see if anyone on the list has
found a way to combat it and thereby encourage the spread of Open

Surely if we can see this as an opportunity to spread the use of open
source, then we can suggest that they use open office, then once they
trust that, Mozilla, then once they trust that, something like Mandrake
or lindows.

I often hear "I don't like windows, but there's no alternative". OK, MS
have a huge marketing budget, however we have word of mouth, the most
effective advertising tool.

Anyone else found a way of addressing this issue?

| Matthew Macdonald-Wallace     |
| matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk |
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
		-- Winston Churchill

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